Wednesday 9 August 2017

Managing a dream

A constant aim sometimes may stumble but never stop. It is important fixing the meaning of dreaming first. The former Indian President, Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam said," A dream is what you see while awake, what you see while asleep is not a dream." What a lesson is it! It deserves a simplicity but it bears a significant meaning. A dreamer must have a practical workshop where one works for its implementation. Additionally, one can't sleep innocently without making the way of implementing the dream. A simple but steady effort should put on dreaming that one dreams. This is how a successful dreamer dreams to reach one's goal.
However, there are dreams "Imaginary" also. We should learn about both of them clearly as we find out the correct direction. 

Basic foundation

Every dream should have a basic foundation in which one should take one's steps to reach one's goal. If you fix your destination, your journey could be continued happily. As a calm and spontaneous mindset helps to cover a fair understanding, you could be maintained the environment of a mental satisfaction. When you start dreaming, it is true that you have an attraction and you love to the subject. And it is more important holding your interest on the subject continuously. Because it is your power of advancing to the goal. As a human being, in some occasions you may feel discouraged or laziness, but a refreshing or different loving touch can help you overcoming the situation. additionally, sometimes you may face criticism for your ambition. In this case, you should simply be silent as you are determined to your goal. A determination is so powerful that can make your destination easier.

Taking a considerate mindset

A considerate mindset should make up a practical and real dreamer. There may have some people for making criticism against your decision that you had made as a supporting techniques. You can judge but never be dependable on them. Don't heed other criticism with a considerate consent. Be steady and industrious, success will come soon. A considerate mindset always fit for facing every situation. But you should know that being considerate is not easy, it need a practice and exercise. So pay attention to be a considerate person at first. Following that what you face you can take that easily as if there is nothing happened.

Imaginary state 

People actually dream all the time. People cannot live without dreaming. Some dreams are immediate and possible actions or desires. Again there are many dreams which may not match the reality. But even after that, people dream, because dreams are the life force of people. Imaginary dreams are a form of attention through which people find satisfaction and pleasure. Something that may never be possible but people love to create a fantasy world to match it. An unsatisfied mind in particulate is highly imaginative. "If only it were." Almost everyone does this fantasy. But some imaginary conditions make special development of human psyche. In fact, all kind of dream work are born from the brain. And so beautiful thought are essential in brain care. Just as there are many types of exercise for the body cells. there are also exercises for the brain. Give the brain as much beautiful and brilliant information as you can. An excellent brain exercise is meditation. which, if practiced regularly, greatly increases the chances of mental health.this is why it is important to exercise the mind and body simultaneously.

However, the point is to stay healthy. And healthy mind and body want to be healthy. And healthy this is why it is important to exercise the mind and body simultaneously. I have tried to tell here, about healthy mind and body and their practical and doable issues. Let us all give birth to a healthy mind in a healthy body. So to do the routine work we should have maintain some regulations.  Budget your time wisely if you can balance between working and relaxing. What is use a life if you are not capable of learning how to run a life machine that demands some fuel.So be wise and take a good direction.  

Misbah Farazi


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