Showing posts with label gloominess. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gloominess. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Simplicity helps to avoid frustration

According to psychologies, frustration is a common or general emotion that, can include anger, rage, and sadness. Being frustrated can be a loss of mental strength. Every human being may have more or less disappointments in living because hope and despair are a part of life. But what we are talking about is how to overcome it. It means overcoming frustration and starting working again with renewed enthusiasm. Actually, we discuss how simple living keeps frustration at bay. This means that very simplicity can eliminate frustration.

Simple lifestyle

In a simple and ordinary lifestyle, there are no unmet needs and expectations, therefore, there is no failure because excessive risky thoughts do not fill the brain. What is beautiful and natural has to make itself easy to accept. Feeling upset is one of the most normal things. As we live every moment through gains or losses whether big or small. It is an integral part of life. But if an upset is with daily activities, it harms the brain. If you want to get rid of this condition without any medicine that is the best way. In this case, we should learn from different situations and events in life. We can find relief through sophisticated conditions yet, simple thoughts using our senses in directions. Since this state of mind, results from an ongoing normal situation, I think liberation can also come from the surrounding usual life and the history of its transitions or endings. So my advice is firstly to observe the lives around you and let your senses flow in different directions. Think you see that the reality of the object, expands with relief. Below I am giving some tips that you should think about carefully. Observe how much people want to live with more problems and sufferings than your problems. Observe, how people have crowned themselves with victory through continuous efforts despite repeated failures.

If you feel, you are in a worse condition, please visit your nearest hospital. Now think how much better you still are than most of you around. Observe the life of the people in the street slums. Observe how they are always running just to make a living. No need to go too far, look at the underprivileged, and realize are around you. How lucky you are, isn't it? You must be getting some relief now. I mean how you achieve with joy and enthusiasm. According to your merits, who is only you necessarily own rising a healthy life. Otherwise, attainment in every way cannot ensure your peace. Do you want to be very rich? Which is very difficult in your position. Avoid, because there is only worry and tedious life. Observe the life of two or four elders, or relatives around you. You can see if they were happy, or if they were able to enjoy the wealth they earned. Couldn't, because it was not all the joyous achievements of a normal life, it was greed and a wrong desire to get more. You certainly observe some rich who left without notice. The greedy harvest and wealth from unethical competition never necessarily work.

Now let's say you're falling behind, your competitors are overtaking you, reality is hurting you and you're getting frustrated and losing motivation. This can also happen naturally. Keep going, there is so much in the world where you are the best. This is where you keep going without losing enthusiasm, at least where you are the first and success awaits for you. In this case, you should remember, that "failure is the key to success."

Frustration is an emotional problem that only causes harm. Such thinking causes waste of time, insomnia, and loss of appetite, and reduces health strength and thinking power. Prolonged frustration creates more serious problems. If it is prolonged for weeks, then a doctor must be consulted. A state of frustrated mind does not let you get your own worth of doing work. It happens so as you already lost your strength of mind and you remain in a hopeless mood. Subsequently, you feel unhappy.

What is the result of the frustration? Although there is no specific result determining, all results are certainly negative. Only the right thinking and a guideline may help to avoid this problem. The world is full of mysteries around us, and the human mind is one of them. We have to take some prerequisites to maintain the happy life we expect.  

How we could avoid despondency 

First of all, a simple but meaningful lifestyle can avoid despondency. Expand your views. After a relentless effort when you find something does not work, never be frustrated rather you should choose another option. In this case, you should remember that everybody can't do everything. On the other hand, everything doesn't make a person happy.  In some areas, inability doesn't mean failure. In this sense, you have to permit yourself that you are. You certainly have some abilities for your own needs. Some options might work for you. Choose the right job to do. And the consciousness helps you searching a better position. Don't be frustrated. Try to be modest, it means to invite patience.
Happiness and prosperity lie in your effortful work and thinking. But never hanker after for high ambition, because it doesn't make you necessarily happy. If you think wisely, you must have some solutions. Spend time with your friends and family. Sometimes it would be a great medication for you. Always try to follow a modest and simple lifestyle that will take you to a meaningful life, I mean the meaning of simplicity.

Be the follower of simplicity.      

Do you want to make sure you have a worry-free life? So observe the normal and natural events in the world. Watch out for its result. Now I can say that certainly, you are a sensible and realistic person. No more hesitation, this time you will be inspired to live a simple and rightly directed life. Remember that simplicity will be the antidote to all your desires, and guide you to a simple yet successful life. Since you can adapt naturally, you can suppress many unnecessary emotions from now on. When you have learned the story of natural inevitable results, no suffering from unnecessary greed or failure will enter your mind. It is also true that you will be more thoughtful and considerate than before. And the cumulative effect of all these will make it easier for the rest of you. Your prosperous life is almost guaranteed. 

However, through my discussion, I clarify that the results of altering or interfering with the natural order of things are always disappointing, and even harmful. Rather, it is better to simply adapt yourself to the results you get.

Misbah Farazi