Sunday 30 July 2017

The way of getting importance

In this universe everybody is important and the same way everyone hope to get importance. It is obvious, if you do not take care of your friends and relatives, you must be neglected by the people around you. We are social so we need to be welcomed by the common people. It would be unfair to hope importance from others automatically. Because you have responsibilities to the society that's why the society only returned you from your contribution. A process of taking and giving works everywhere. When you are careful of different issues that prevail around you, importance will come to you ultimately. In a society there may have a number of mismanagement, you should aware of  those problems and at the same time you should contribute to solve them. If you do not have enough, you at least discuss abut the issue with other member of your society. In a word, somehow you have to add your consciousness to the society's improvement.


Did you ever been imagine why people love you or give importance to you? People simply admire you only for your thought and sense. I think you have already realized the reason why your friends or relatives pay attention to you. When they appreciate you, there is a reason. And the reason is of your thought that works and present them a result of simplicity. Additionally your realization is correct. 
On the other hand, in the most cases the problem is of a failure, we do not try to have a result in the proper way. I mean we do not often try to achieve the appreciation in doing something special. We are naturally fond of love, affection, honor, and dignity. At the same time, we hope others' respect but we often forget that it does not come without a successful effort, perseverance or hard-work. It is a reality that respect or love is such a sensitive immolation that reflects a reaction. So make you fit for doing  something that wiggles the hearts of others.

Work on the proper way

No need to be anxious to have the honor or importance. Because it is natural and comes to you ultimately if you work in a proper way. Do the right duty at the right time. Working in the proper way not only give you expected honor but also it makes you proud. 
Find out the disadvantages of the society. Come to the point and go the gaps that should have a solution. Take a step to solve the problem. Call a meeting involving the important and acceptable person in your locality. Present the issues in the meeting you called.  
Everybody is important though someone's talent may be hidden. Here is an example that I can tell you.  Russel, a boy of 14-15 years old. He was almost neglected by the villager as he was somehow indifferent in nature. That's why he did not adjust with his surrounded people. But  he had a good observation and curiosity. One day he made astonished everybody discovering something new handling technique. Villagers discovered with a astonishing look that the boy with a bicycle that was a motor adjusted under the backside of the bicycle. Everyone noticed that the boy was pulling a rope to make a start. The motor made moving the behind wheel and immediately the bicycle was running speedily like a motorcycle. Everybody astonished at his work, especially thinking of  his creativity. From then the villagers respect him for his wit and thus he attracted importance. Actually we should have a capacity to find out talent from every stage of people.


Here is an another story that is about an woman. Rahela, a neglected woman of the society had to work home to home as a maid servant. But she was not satisfied with his profession and often she thought about the way of getting rid of this miserable profession. She realized that nobody honored her as considering a person, besides almost all behaved to her rudely. She got the point of neglecting and started thinking to find a better profession. On this thinking way as resulting she bought two young goats and started making a small animal husbandry farm. With a hardship gradually she made an a handsome profit from her firm. She used to go the Animal Maintenance Council for the advice and through this activity she became an expert of the animal husbandry farm. Now Rahela became a solvent person. Now the villagers come to take advice from her. Rahala overcamed the difficulties by her simple realization.

The idle and introvert boy  

Direction with simplicity in proposing is a determination work as well. If we talk about simplicity that leads proposing a determination, we see, that works so good as we can imagine. Here I am telling about another boy who was idle in nature. Usually he was a small talking boy. He did not do his every day's home work as usual. His teachers and friends were bored with him and they became indifferent about him. At this the boy felt guilty. One evening he was sat lonely by the riverside. There he saw a flying bird with a piece of bread in its beak and Some other birds was following it to have that. The boy enjoyed much the scenery and realized that how it could be important to other. From that day, the boy took off idleness and became a regular and punctual student. Not only that but also he started gathering knowledge from different sources. Though his classmates astonished at his changing attitude and punctuality, they started following him for the exception daily works. That is the boy who enable to change and next he became a famous journalist with a great fame. In this prospect, it is important thinking the route of getting importance and going with a simplicity as you are

However, it is not difficult to think that you have to grab the status in creating space where you rule yourself. You do have the ability to do something special because you yourself is unique. Everybody has a unique ability, but he/she needs to find out the specific worth. In this sense, if you start believing that you can, you must find out the hidden power. So never be upset and utilize your own ability. Every famous or solvent person did the same in their areas. 

Misbah Farazi         

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