Showing posts with label indifference. Show all posts
Showing posts with label indifference. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

A slap on conscience

What, of course, is not awkward if a slap changes your wrong direction. Are you bored with my talking about from where yet you do not get logical support? Listen, I am talking about our conscience to society, family, spouses, and friends. Sometimes a slap or a stumble can be essential to come back in the right direction. Perhaps you are thinking about if I am right in my logic. Maybe, you are so, but please focus on where the problems create among us like deprivation, frustration, indifference, negligence, and a gap that isolates us from essential faculties. In this condition, we deepen in darkness. The problem is we never feel the vacant that gradually kills us like a slow poison. A solution can be expected. It is more frustrating that we can not feel or think there may be a light. It is because in the meantime our sensitive organs have been killed. The power of thinking has gone as there is an acute imbalance exists. The point that often separates us from our society, friends, spouses, and nearest and dearest ones.

Have we ever eavesdropped the sound of silent tears happening to the frustrated society around us? Did we do this? No, because we are self-centered indeed! Actually do not detect them justifiably, as we do not know how to expose them. They feel shy or hesitant. Isn’t it usual? But, undoubtedly we have some responsibilities to them. We never avoid the responsibilities and duties of the helpless backward society.  

A large number of people are isolated in the towns and cities. Who cares about them? But this mentality cannot support human virtue. Actual humans should have some essential qualities that refer to standing beside the helpless with a helping hand. A slap on the conscience could have been a strategy to be aware of the indifferent groups.

Duties and Qualities 

We can not ignore our duties to society. 
Society has given us the light to be a person who exhausted all elements of society. We have to return the debt to society through the ability we have.
To do our job or duty first we need to judge priority, which means detecting the problems and undeveloped sectors. And then we should make a social organization that acknowledges specific activists. For this purpose, we should remember the qualities, mean the person who is self-encouraged and devoted to doing charities. 

Make a work schedule.   
Defiantly, we have to maintain some rules and strategies. In this sense, we must have maintained a work or duty schedule. 
We can make a committee with 5-10 members having separate sections to continue their duties, but all sections must have a responsibility to the committee chairperson, and the members commonly make the final decision that decision may have to pass with the Chairman's fully consent. 

Important for every society

If we want a progressive and peaceful locality, we must work for it. Everything changes over time, but negative changes that, snatch human rights, can not be expected. Gradual process establishes a rich society, but without it may go in ruin. So, we should be conscious not to go into such spoiling conditions. 

However, we expect a society where everybody can get his/her rights. The right to live, the right to speak, and the right to freedom must be ensured in an ideal progressive society. In this sense, we should respect everybody's choice and dignity. 

Misbah Farazi