Showing posts with label inner reflection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inner reflection. Show all posts

Saturday, January 2, 2016

The beauty of a simplicity

The word simplicity means something easy and comfortable in a manner. Here, we are going to talk about a personality with simplicity. The beauty of simplicity might be the beauty of a personality. A person could be exposed to a special attitude in which one's living style could be clear and transparent. A personality where one could have some extra non-artificial beauties.  The beauty is not colorful but having a reality in the form of one's responses. 

A personality is an identity.

 To say, one who achieves some qualities shows one's identity. In simple words, one's identity lies in one's personality. No, I do not mean any qualification or designation of a person. Actually, I mean one's nature in a manner and in one's attitude. As a person that is how the person leads his/her lifestyle is his/her identity in simple words. Personality largely depends on what the person is.

Simplicity Helps to Stop Being Greedy

No doubt, stepping easily can be a habit of reducing anxiety, and is an extra need. If it is, you must have a quality of simplicity. A simple living doesn't need ornamentation. Extra ornamentation only makes a burden of living and, at the same time, it could be essential to maintain which draws one's extra attention. So, it is easily understandable that, for this reason, one is deprived of one's many other essential duties. Now, we could conclude that simplicity helps to stop useless incoming.

Helps to avoid anxiety

If one is used to normal living, anxiety is mostly avoidable. When you become familiar with one's easy and clean living, there is no chance to think of huge wealth or a high reputation. In this prospect, it should be illustrated that unhealthy competition runs in our society. But not everybody participates in such types of competition, and they are safe from anxiety. That is why, for one's safety, one should not have an extra demand for prosperity.

Simplicity makes one happy.

As life can be turned into anxiety-free, it could be ensured to have a happy life stepping some of obligations. As a human being, there are endless possibilities, but most of us think only a wealthy person could be. As to say, it is a great wrong thought because a big wealthy person is usually unhappy. They are not happy and they have a lot of duties that they have created. But those could seem unnecessary when they are driven on their property and, at last, spend their whole life without meeting basic needs.  

 It is easy to come nearer to the common people.

Simplicity works as a tonic to go to the common people which is so important as a smooth living. Sharing sorrows and happiness with the local people is one of the important duties. Making a bonding of a common relationship simplicity works well. Normal and intimating attitude exposes to the people whereas one runs a simple living. The style of living ensures to the society a transparent consideration which is helpful to contribute a lot to society. And, a contribution mostly appreciated by the settlers. The ways of altogether make a beautiful happy environment within the locality. Moreover, a simple lifestyle reduces sorrows and pains.  

When one becomes greedy or aggressive, it must influence one's work and activities and parallelly in appearance. On the other hand, one's good thoughts and activities, in the same way, influence and personality along with appearance. This calculation helps us make the right point that our thoughts and words are our images and the images the identities.
However, the researchers, on the subject, work a lot and have found the indications of thoughts and works of a person in his appearance. When you can achieve love from your surroundings, a lovely reflection sticks to your appearance as your work. We do have the result the same from our experience. They added, that leading a life with simplicity can bring happiness, and happy faces reflect beauty and personality.

The best look is the natural look. 

  However, when you create pressure on some natural objects, it turns into a different look, and in the same way, it loses its natural beauty. From this point of view, the best look is the natural look. We human beings like to explore things around us, and to be close to others, to love, and to have love. But to do so, we have some qualities in which an attraction works. The best attraction is to be lovely to others as they feel a close friendship with you. But to achieve that quality, we need to be practiced and, you gradually might own such a quality.

Observe things around you and love them.
Be close to your friends, relatives, and neighbors.
Always keep a cordial and friendly mood up to the general people.
Do not be the reason for boredom.
Try to take positively what love your friends and family.
Practice a simple living.
Always think about the good and do so.
Think about the result of work before doing it.
Speak what you love but do not hurt others.
Be logical and smiling.

Misbah Farazi
