Saturday 31 December 2016

How to purify your belief in

Belief is blind. What is not proven in a existence, that can only be considered either false or may be true. Science wants information according to its existence and at the same time science judges how much reality is there. In this consent, it is to say that science could not prove imaginary information, it is because of  having no shape or activities. We know there is some substance to be an elementary thing, it may be visible or not to be visible in the both sides there must have to have a signal which informs its existence. To purify your belief, firstly you need particular information, and then to justify the information with a first hand guidance.The source of information must have a transparency with a dependable reference. After that, the in formations have to judge through its activities in a free thinking. In this case, it is very important to avoid any other thoughts in which belief or ideas you come to. In fact it is obvious that some essential conditions have to maintain to purify your belief.      


 Perhaps we the human being always try to find a way to sanctify ourselves. But think about sanctifying, what the definition of it? Actually it varies to ideology to ideology that is not purified by experimented of science. But yet, we can't throw a belief as a rubbish whereas it is not proved. There are a lot of mysterious events which is made us thinking about but no result at all. That is why we can't be ensure of it. On the other hand, imaginary belief depends on some practical events, and in this case, we have to judge the events. And the same way, of course the results of those events. Every belief should have some dependable activities and its results, if no results against particular activities, no doubt there is nothing alive somebody or something. We know every object has it reaction whether it is alive or not. So, at first ensure if there is reaction against action. In this method you should also ensure that not only reaction, rather the reaction is to ensure as the result of the action. By this process, if you have results continually the same, then you take in a primary belief of it. 

Now let's discuss about blindness in believing in somewhere. Belief is blind until it could not be proved through the regular activity against responsive fact instantly and of course, constantly the results could be the same. The human brain is very powerful and sensitive too. So, thinking freely is a must. You know, when every information is established with a proven one, we receive it and love it or avoid it.   
 But what about your sense which works with existence. Do you work with an imaginary event? answer is no. You may go through in an imagination, yes you can touch imaginary object, talk to someone or walk on across a path in your imagination. Good, really good for you brainstorming, but you never it take it as a real one, isn't it? If so, those are only your fascination which touch your brain smoothly. From this situation, once you come back to your real living where you are. Like that, if you try to establish that you were in a real world, you need to bring them to the realistic condition. No doubt, you know that was impossible, and you also know that those were only imagination that creates in your subconscious brain or mind. So, until the imaginary events come within a real and practical shape in which you can smell, touch and work with, those are blind in believing. And that is why, only belief without proven event, is blind.     

Why should we have the sense of impunity?  

It is important to have an impunity for every person. It is because our born is demanded to return something to this beautiful world. We take everything we need from this earth, in this sense of view we have to return something to it. It is not excessive to say, if we go through the wrong direction, our generation will do the same mistake. I hope we never want this poor and unwise situation. We need correction and at the same time we should present a clean and logical ideology for our next generations. So. let's try to be more logical and avoid hypocrisy. 
However, we should remember our duties for the welfare of our society. A successful person always try to make a smooth path where prevails unity, trustfulness and overall honesty.     

However, every time you do not get the satisfied answer on your queries. In this situation, you should follow a simple way of attitude. Ask yourself what is right or wrong, and then follow the right path. Your judgement is enough for your being honest.

Misbah Farazi


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