Sunday, July 30, 2017

The way of getting importance

In this universe everybody is important, and in the same way, everyone hopes to get important. If you do not care for your friends and relatives, you must be neglected by the people around you. We are social so we need to be welcomed by the common people. It would be unfair to expect importance from others automatically. Because you have responsibilities to society, society only returns you from your contribution. A process of taking and giving works everywhere. When you are careful of different issues, that prevail around you, importance will come to you ultimately. In society there may be mismanagement, you should be aware of those problems and at the same time, you should contribute to solving them. If you do not have enough, you at least discuss the issue with another member of your society. In a word, you have to add your consciousness to society's improvement.


Did you ever imagine why people love you or give importance to you? People simply admire you only for your thought and sense. You have already realized why your friends or relatives pay attention to you. When they appreciate you, there is a reason. The reason is your thoughts, that work and present them as a result of simplicity. Additionally, your realization is correct. 
On the other hand, in most cases the problem is of a failure, do not try to have a result properly. Do not need to try to achieve an appreciation for doing something special. We are naturally fond of love, affection, honor, and dignity. At the same time, we hope for others' respect but often forget that it does not come without a successful effort, perseverance, or hard work. It is a reality that respect or love is such sensitive immolation that, it reflects a reaction. So make you fit for doing something that wiggles the hearts of others.

Work properly.

No need to be anxious to have the honor or importance. Because it is natural and comes to you ultimately if you work properly. Do the right duty at the right time. Working properly not only creates in you the expected honor but also makes you proud. 
Find out the disadvantages of the society. Come to the point, and go through the gaps that should have a solution. Take a step to solve the problem. Call a meeting involving the important and acceptable person in your locality. Present the issues in the meeting you called.  
Everybody is important though someone's talent may be hidden. Here is an example that I can tell you.  Russel is a boy of 14-15 years old. He was neglected by the villagers as he was somehow indifferent in nature. That's why, he did not adjust to his surrounded people. But he had a good observation and curiosity. One day he astonished everybody by discovering something new handling technique. Villagers discovered with an astonishing look that, the boy with a bicycle was a motor adjusted under the backside. Everyone noticed that the boy was pulling a rope to make a start. The motor was made moving the wheel and immediately the bicycle was running speedily like a motorcycle. Everybody was astonished at his work, especially thinking of his creativity. From then the villagers respected him for his wit and thus he attracted importance. We should have the power to find talent from every stage of people.


Here is another story that is about a woman. Rahela, a neglected woman in our society, who had to work from home as a maidservant. But she was not satisfied with his profession, and often she thought of a way of getting rid of this miserable profession. She realized that nobody honored her as considered a person, besides almost all behaving to her rudely. She got to the point of neglecting and started thinking about finding a better profession. On this thinking way as resulting she bought two young goats and started making a small animal husbandry farm. With hardship gradually she made a handsome profit from her firm. She used to go to the Animal Maintenance Council for advice and through this activity, she became an expert on the animal husbandry farm. Now Rahela has become a solvent person. The villagers come to take advice from her. Rahala overcame the difficulties with her simple realization.

The idle and introverted boy  

Direction with simplicity in proposing is a determination work as well. If we talk about simplicity that leads to proposing a determination, that works as good as we can imagine. Here I am telling about another boy who was idle in nature. Usually, he was a small-talking boy. He did not do his everyday homework as usual. His teachers and friends were bored with him and they became indifferent about him. At this, the boy felt guilty. One evening he was sat lonely by the riverside. There he saw a flying bird with a piece of bread in its beak, and some other birds were following it to have that. The boy enjoyed the scenery and realized how it could be important to others. From that day, the boy took off idleness and became a regular and punctual student. Not only that but also he started gathering knowledge from different sources. Though his classmates were astonished at his changing attitude and punctuality, they started following him for the exceptional daily work. That is the boy who enabled him to change, and next, he became a famous journalist with great fame. In this prospect, it is important to think about the route of getting important and going with simplicity as you are

However, it is difficult to think that, It has to grab the status of creating space where you rule yourself. You do have the ability to do something special because you are unique. Everybody has a unique ability, but he/she needs to find the specific worth. In this sense, if you start believing that you can, you must find out the hidden power. So never be upset and utilize your own ability. Every famous or solvent person did the same in their areas. 

Misbah Farazi         

Sunday, July 16, 2017

The kids like to have simplicity

A complexity that makes things cryptic is not the acceptance of the kids. You may notice, that we try to win the favor of kids attraction making a funny thing in a manner simplicity. Because the kids are straight, plain, and soft in nature. The kids are born with a fresh mind where exists love, a soft, sensitive eagerness with a simple, easy, complexity-free sense to walk on easily and freely. Your lovely and hearty and straight behavior stirs their tender heart. Their spotless minds and tender hearts seek purity as they start to believe whatever they see, taste, or feel. The kids start learning from their around's activities. At the same time, they react to them. It is a fact that their beginner experience lasts longer than any activities of their lifetime. Of course, the ability to memorize things. In this respect, it is to say you have to do your best at that stage of kids'.



Make your activities soft. 

Your mystical behavior can't read your kids so they often take it mistakenly and go the wrong direction. In every situation, you should be conscious enough when you behave with your kids. A minor mistake may create a wound in the brain that causes the kid may have to bear in its life. You should be very friendly to the kids as they can receive everything confidently. At the same time, you should also be trustworthy to them. You should make a friendly environment where your kids learn to think that you are always beside them as a loyal partner. It's needed to remember that they have a constant curiosity about things, so you should hold patience to answer all of the questions that arise in them. Follow a simple manner and easy explanation with a jolly mind. In this case, you should ensure the answers go through a meaningful way. You must notice that kids are becoming attentive listeners. As you are an attentive listener to them, you should follow a sweet smiling mood. A patient's mood is very important to develop their emotional growth. At their tender age, it is very useful a calm and satisfied emotional growth. Satisfaction is very essential. To make them easy it is the best way to have them understand perfectly. Thus you have to try to be attractive to the kids.

Discover them in a simplicity. 

In a manner of simplicity, you can win the kids' hearts easily. What they love to do that is initially perfect for them and so you should childishly co-operate with them. As they think you are a friend of them, they always want your presence. Take time to talk to them and play with them. That is the way to find their curious minds, and then you find that they start sharing their thoughts with you. Your friendly behavior is very important for their mental growth. Sometimes you can make your kids a part of your daily work as they think them important. You must avoid creating pressure on them in any consequences. Share with them what they love to do. Always maintain a careful observation to solve any problem. as they feel. You should keep quiet and hold patience with a smile to be easy and simple in manner. Thus you can easily should be able to discover the kids' inner faculties. 

However, it should be considered that every kid is our future mentor to society. So we should be wise in behaving with them. Our fruitful concentration can make their bright future. On the other hand, if we remain indifferent to them and neglect our duty that demands to make them true human beings, all that we earn from our whole life may become useless. From this point of view, we have to concern our kids for making good people. As a whole, we should pay attention to society's every pillar as if we can be successful in giving an ideal shape to our locality. 

Misbah Farazi   

Friday, July 14, 2017

Attraction exist in Simplicity

Focusing on simplicity

Don't you love purity, reality, or actuality? Yes, you do. Consciously when you take something, the first requirement is to find a real one. Isn't it? We all love to have the transparency in which we inquire of a genuine one. Because a real one leads you to the perfect choice. Only a pure and perfect thing that you need to get a functional state, you have to choose the priority in simplicity. Because, there is no alternative to purity, reality, or actuality except simplicity. Now let us go to judge what the simplicity is. Simplicity stands on a purity that is not colored, or extra additional elements. Yes, simple means easy or without complexity. We have to survive in different situations as the situation leads us to complexities That's why we have to face situations. At this, our originality turns into fake directions and we lose our simplicity. To say the truth actually we hide ourselves in a layer. We used to think that the layer made us important, or presented us with a perfect look. No, actually such a thought makes our personality fade. 


Awesome Practice of simplicity 

Your personality is your originality, No need to line up some extra apparition that, you might think is more appealing. The extra apparition only makes you a person of mystery. And this appearance makes a distance from the common people. If you want a more acceptable personality, you should be as simple as the common one in your behavioral attitude. By doing this, you share your ideology, thoughts, and love. This simple but attractive behavioral attitude makes you important to people. This kind of simplicity helps you to be nearer one of the ordinary people. Your simple manner and easygoing to person, make you gorgeous and it helps you to have love and intimacy from all classes of people. If you learn from the great men, you will find that simplicity was one of their main characteristics property. Look a the kinds, how innocent appearance they exist. By practicing simplicity you can also discover the kids' beauty.

Friends around you

Be friendly with your nearer ones and neighbor. Get a smile from your neighbor, even a person who is your employee. Do not hesitate to ask about health conditions. Share your opinion to have their consent about what happens around you, and especially share your happiness with them. In short, you should be for all as they get you like a friend. It is obvious to think of those who are around you.

A Smiling face can be a sign of simplicity.

 People like to have an attractive attitude and to be appreciated. Maintain a smiling face. Because a smiling face can solve many critical problems. On the other hand, a smiling face is to learn love, honor, and welcome. People expect you on duty. When you think of yourself as a simple character, everything seems easier. It should recherche to find yourself that a smiling face makes you gorgeous and attractive in giving or accepting anything. Do not unnecessarily focus on your sorrows or pain in the open field. It makes you weak and timid to others rather than in a crisis you should have with a smiling face. 

Love all simply smiling. 

It is simplicity that exists in your character that makes you love to all. To make a peaceful environment follow the easiest way of simplicity. When you feel love for all, you feel a divine beauty. Everybody should be careful in their daily business so that a hare creature is not excluded from your favor. Every creature has its own beauty and importance for making a balanced atmosphere around us. A loving care gives them healthy lives that we never overlook. So your loving strategy should extend to all. Love creatures for your own virtue. Consciousness and thinking right direction can solve even a big problem easily. Good and erodible thinking makes ways of beauty and solvent. 

However, in this post, we only point out some of the essential notions of behavior. A wise judgment before working is important, otherwise, all efforts can be spoiled in vain. So love to all and begin with a sweet smile.

Misbah Farazi  

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Purity is the first question of simplicity

The nature is the first question to the answer. If one question, what the pure is! The answer must be that it is nature. On behalf of the answer, we can easily determine that everything is created from nature. To say that the origins are nature means everything we get from nature. The natural elements can be modified to another. The human brain is the biggest boss of power that is so creative and astonishing that it is beyond the imagination. As a result, human beings conquer barriers that are critical to overcome. Now, we are in a modern world with greater possibilities. You find them easily thinking with simplicity. 


Where purity is the first question, we must find out the logical terms of this information, and at the same time, we have to clarify the meaning of this word. Reality is purity, which means what you really are. As a human being, you have some qualities, not only that but also you have some different shapes of views from other humans. In a presentation as an individual show your qualities what you really are. Because people like to have originality. Only going on a simplicity supports your original quality and everyone loves to have this. Every individual has some exceptional thinking or thoughts, that is you and it means you are unique. Nature creates everything in a unique piece. So everyone is unique. That's why we inquire about pure things, on the other hand, a duplicate is disliked. Now come to the point of what we should deserve. We demand things that hold onto its existence. From this point of view, never be addicted to the unnatural applications of your behaviorist attitude. If you do this. You lose your beauty.   
Nature is our real guardian. Therefore, most of the practices which we are habituated by nature. In the past, many civilizations have vanished for standing against nature. Nature invites its inhabitants to do its favor, otherwise, it can't tolerate that, which means it can't adjust in different ways. In short, we can say we are for each other.

A fact of Lasting the Natural Activities 

Everything that we do consciously or unconsciously nature accepts or protects it. Those that match nature last as our belongings, but those that do not match nature are protected continuously. If we observe, we discover every action that, is considered to be reasoning logic. We human beings tend to have a natural beauty that is simple in a simplicity. We use or taste environmentally friendly things. Here the environment is totally part of nature. So when human beings become inconsiderate to the environment it creates a disaster. Therefore, environmental scientists are conscious of the pollution that causes injury to it. Today, as far as it is known, a handsome amount of money is sanctioned for the recovery climate. However, there is a similarity to the human's personal choices or behavior against nature. When our belongings and behavior meet the natural beauty, we see it is more acceptable and lasting, otherwise, those become tasteless and lose their appeal. If we judge, we see useful truth to fulfill. It is said that nature does not tolerate the vacuum. That's why before doing anything against nature be aware. As we see similarly, we should do things to fill the vacuum.

For our existence

 However, to properly utilize our planet, it is important to fill the created gap. The modern world becomes more and more mechanical and turns into a risky accommodation. Equally, our utilities also take shape artificially and we go through an artificial life lead, that turns into a threat to us. In this situation, we have to compensate for our existence, we should return to the root. Our living policy should reform as we want to return to our real and natural beauty, as the security of a long-lasting environment. 

Misbah Farazi       


Going on with simplicity

Wondering about things is a human. Any habitual fact or matter makes it easygoing in the human mind. It means the human mind accepts usual activities whether they make sense. Simplicity is the best way to attain a calm and quiet lifestyle. Simplicity can be concluded that human beings like to have habituated things that are known earlier. To be conscious of their surroundings we love to believe and they have to have the confidence to be fellow partners. So wondering about things can be the reason for unfamiliarity. Then what is easier and from where we get a return make smooth like that, it can be considered simple. From this point of view, it is the way of simplicity. 



Considering at first glance 

A new presentation that may be ignored by your friends, relatives, or neighbors. But if you think it is helpful and innovative no matter what it is okay. Afterward, when they find the presentation is working well, it doesn't harm. They will reject their earlier consent and they will appreciate you. This is the natural and usual. So you have to make your own way of living where you can have unconventional activities. From the dawn of civilization, we have experienced such types of experiences. Today what has made our life easier and comfortable almost all came through a hesitation of clearness. Sometimes, we see more complicated hesitation to go easily through an application. Why this threat? Because they are not familiar with new ideas. As a result common ones primarily stand against them. What are you thinking about? How and why does it happen? It goes against their custom, belief, and culture.

Simplicity may be the solution.

Many things do not think easy, but people begin to evaluate them only when they 
 get benefits or become accustomed to them. So it is important to adopt simplicity in handling the initial shock, in this case, it is easier to create everyone's interest. If we learn to think about simplicity, people can avoid complexity to have something close. Suppose, an oil' with a new brand comes to the bazaar, and your curious mind doubts whether it is natural. Because people do not like to take a risk of their money. But practically finding a good result or better result they are encouraged to have it. What is the case behind it? The only case is behavior and results. So being simple in manner is important. You should go to the common people and explain yourself perfectly.   

Taking easy the fact

Taking things easy is the first question, and then another question comes to you which is judgment. A simple philosophy is to apply and you have to go ahead. I mean you should not hesitate in creating things that you produce. Once you must find an open door where rewards are returning to you. So ignore the primary barriers. Avoid the complexity of the society that neglects your merit and opinion. Feel free to follow the simplicity. The way of simplicity helps you to be generous and at the same time, it will teach you to ignore the odd. People wonder at things at first glance, but with a fruit, they return at last. One thing is clearing your personality is properly bloomed in the originality, that you possess. And so you should furnish yourself by what you are. The only way of getting yourself is to think simply.

However, nature like purity and purity lies in simplicity. It may create complexity, but there is an absence of originality. In this situation, everyone tries to find out the facts because without finding out the facts, complexity is not normal. In every created situation there is a fact, and the common people like to go through fact or truth. Chemical reactions may have given you some advantages to get a solution, but you have to know the original elements that made a solution. It means what you get from nature. The root elements, like gold, iron, steel, potassium chloride, and surfer. As a human, you exist in some origin where your bones and soul are connected.  So, it is really an unnecessary solution to be artificial. Be clear and simple and follow the simplicity.     

Misbah Farazi         

Hypothetical prediction

Though hypothetical predictions have a chance of happening, they play an important role in the future foundation. Hypothetical thought can be commonly created in human beings. This kind of imagination is formed in one's brain depending on aspirations which most have no reality. Think simply our brain always works in our favor and we love to have a real form. On the contrary, our imagination level can go through a violent indecent which can't be real. In fact, hypothetical conditions or imagination such as a thought level usually do not fill up reality. 
Every action is made nothing but a command of the brain. Then a question may arise, what is the mind? Actually, the mind is not separated from our brain. The brain makes every feeling we respond to. But sometimes hypothetical prediction is useful in a way of simplicity.


Why does hypothetical imagination create?

To say that our brain cells work constantly. Every moment it makes a decision and works as usual. Sometimes, the brain cells begin to imagine, usually, it happens in leisurely thinking. Consciously or unconsciously our brains work on to the point of experience. Not only that but also the activities of our brain cells make plans which we call thoughts. Our brain cells contain a powerful ability to think which may be practical or impractical. The impractical thoughts may be pointed to as a hypothetical prediction. A pleasant or pathetic event can happen in a human being's life. From the events of pleasant one wants to dive into an imaginary event from what one wants to get an incomplete pleasure to be completed. From a pathetic experience, one might go into imaginary thinking in which one could imagine something more dangerous. Most of the hypothetical thoughts happen to experiences.  Not only that but also there are reasons why it can be created in a human's brain.

Hypothetical prediction is made based on other elements and conditions. Suppose weather focusing and climate changing. This prediction is surrounded by the signs that can result from scientific calculation. Can, or can't deserve the prediction, because it depends on do' or don't'. If take a preservation, or if don't take any step e.t.c. That is to say, this prediction meets the other necessary steps that might be applied in taking care of the right duties. In this sense of view, hypothetical prediction itself plays an important role. 

To have a contentment

Imaginary contentment is one of the major sources of hypothetical prediction. This kind of thinking doesn't carry a value but has a contention with an imaginary. From a failure, one wants to have pleasure thinking a prediction. With meditation, one leaves one's present state and goes through a complete imaginary somewhere, the person predicts one's staying there. This kind of hypothetical prediction could perform one's brain warm-up, and this type of brain exercise is helpful for one's mental enrichment. This type of hypothetical prediction can be a useful therapy. And it is easy to practice in a simplicity.     

What Say the specialists on Hypothetical Prediction 

The experts think this type of hypothetical thinking works well and results well. In decision-making, hypothetical thinking helps to find the possibilities of events. The experts say the thinking process can be used to get more abstract about an event. One could go back on this purpose. At first, a person makes a guess about things, and then they start exploring the subject to find its solution. Of course, this type of thinking leads to the coincidence or symptom to specify or purify the guesses. Both scientists Stanchion and Baron think hypothetical thinking has a role in decision-making.

Misbah Farazi

Monday, July 10, 2017

Think simply to have a better solution

 Finding a mistake we often blame ourselves when deciding in different situations. But usually, we need to correct the error in calculating. Problems around us which we should take simple to solve. Simplify the options you have. Point out the problem first, and numb according to their importance.
Now let's go across from the point to solve the problem. It's important to center our concentration on the points we are calculating. Be calm down and begin at the beginning with a fresh concentration. If it is a programming code sheet, allow to compute double checks there. Every form of code should be judged as it is directed. Seek out if there is any missing line of codes. In this case, you could get online help who are experts in this area. Judge every para and every line of code as it is.   
We often regret our silly mistakes. We are going to discuss some facts that we have commonly experienced. In some questions, we could make some better solutions. In the post, we present ideas that might have better solutions.

To start a business

When we decide to start a business, we collect some ideas that get expensive value within simplicity. There are a lot of options that make us comfortable and handsome to handle. In most cases, that may seem attractive and profitable that we should have started earlier. We might have been fascinated with the colorful proposal. Apparently, the business had been designed beautifully. Seeing everything our innocent mind persuades us to admit the business. But we had no practical ideas which might have experienced us. In this situation, if we start the business some of the conditions and questions may come to us consequently. But after starting the business when we discovered some extended work and duties waiting for us that we used to do. As a result, we have to face some of the extra hidden conditions. That takes extra labor and time, which we did not expect earlier. And subsequently, once we feel bored as well. To tell the truth, what is happening beyond our expectations. The more disappointing case is that it happens when we leave the business with a lost heart. The fact is that we already have lost our valuable time, money, and hard work. At this, it thinks us that, the job was a trap.  

What we should do at the beginning of the business is to be experienced. Without an experience starting a particular job or business is a risk. We should go through with an experienced worker and it is a must. 

Before involving a job

Nowadays, you have already experienced some leasing advertisements that reach you through the Internet ad. But it is tough to figure out whether it is real or not. Because many of them don't think about the reality. In addition, many have no idea about the possible mischief. To protect you from dishonest vendors I would suggest taking some precautions. 

  • When you need to do a job or make a plan you should do something which makes money for your need. Numerous options you may get that knocking at the door. There may be some real jobs and some tempting offers. The tempted offers always push you to do a little work but in return, they offer a big profit. In this case, you should margin out with the reality. You should have a sense of marketing against the returns. Margin and value should have a minimum solution of it.   No business is capable of paying you an unreal amount of money constantly. Judge and clarify how they do the business for earning. On the other hand, they do not do business to make you rich.  
  • Before involving with the new business you should gather knowledge of how, why, and where to make a profit. You may ask the partners of that business through your queries, but make sure the source is reliable. For this purpose, you should choose a closer one who is continuing the job for a long time, I mean he/she is credible for the job. If the answers are favorable, now you should judge the work if you are capable enough.
  • Take time, and discuss with your near and dear friends or relatives if it should be wise to start for you. 
  • If the advice you got favors you to start a particular work/job/business, you need some special training on this work/job/business. Take a short course or training as you can judge your temper which helps you to ensure your decision. 
  • Now is the time to review whether you are doing that specific business. After reviewing if you are determined that, you are right on your decision, you should start the business. On the other hand, if you see there is something wrong, you should be wise to start the business.       

   However, I suggest that you follow the above ways in making your correct choice for starting a new business/job/work. I have some experiences that eventually the freshers give up their jobs/businesses after starting with great hope. But it should not be expected, it is painful and disappointing and hurts every conscious person. Take everything in the way of Simplicity.

Misbah Farazi

Think simply