Sunday, July 23, 2023

Talk about history

History talks itself, historical theories make a smoother path for all, peoples throughout the world.   Historical information is an essential step for progressing the civilization, that information works as a pillar to construct building for further extension. In any strategic mission, it is an unavoidable resource of modern thoughts. In any perception, we have to learn, the previous elementary incident we have to repair, or we add something more helpful roots. A stair of modern engineering is built up following the historical information. Practical results and activities are found when we revise the previous workshop. Every sector of civilization is enriched with the help of providing information. So before we start any inquiry, we have to research the results that we already have used successfully. As we expect so, let us talk about history.

Ranga Mati

Why are the wars? Now let's talk about political information storage. Although political philosophy is intimately involved in every activity of life, many of us fail to consider it. However, through the marketing system, its activities in all areas are part of a political process. Political activities have influenced tastes, beliefs, festivals, and ritual sentiments. So, there is no way to bypass politics. The moods, needs, and aspirations mix with the people of that place. And so, to discuss any corpus of information one must find the political implications are intimately connected with common living. Whereas, climate and weather bypasses, why'd this world could be formed into a borderless planet. If it were, then the human race would not have suffered a great loss. To say the truth, it is an ethical and moral right.

Ranga Mati

Border-less world!

So let's justify why there are so many hurdles and tricks to build a borderless world. Or just different ethnicities, customs, and climates? It's certainly not, then it is the obstacles that most political figures are reluctant to! Although this is also a matter of great debate, in a word, it can be said that the fight for excellence is the key here. As a reason, we see people of different religions, castes, and customs living in a large country with different climates.

Similarly. despite the culture, religion, customs, and castes of a country, people are fighting in front of various complications. Now, it could be said that the mentioned issues are no arguments in favor of different countries. Then why or what is the arrogance of the borders different regions of the world and the wall was erected for the common people to enjoy the vast premises of the whole world. Surely this is one valid and logical question.

Ranga Mati

What should be the solution?

Then we can conclude that only power and abundance have divided the world into hundreds of parts. What was the need at all? The answer is no. In this case, too, we observe that with the right technology and education, people from any region could be capable of showing similar success. In developing countries, people from underdeveloped countries go there and leave their evidence many times. So it can be determined that the people of the world have been divided only by a few power-hungry and racially arrogant people in the fight for supremacy. As a result, large numbers of people are losing their basic birthright. But the world bodies have not been heard to speak loudly about such rights, which is disappointing.

Many people raise the question, that the region has been divided repeatedly on a question of regional independence, which was necessary! So, my question is when and why is freedom essential? Answer: when people are bound in unjust chains. But who creates these unfair chains? Was the solution only successful within the division of territory? This time the answer is no.

However, history will certainly find a correct and justified solution with a successful search one day. History will speak and the truth and observation speak. Is it possible to stop all evil and violent competition? We hope this human world will be newly formed for the common people.

Misbah Farazi

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

A discovering innovation

Innovation Power

 It is important for every inquisitive inquirer in quest of enjoying different livings or places. No question what you have ever known that might have helped you with books or friends. Only listening or reading is not enough for acquiring knowledge enjoyment or experience. Those areas' actual environment could be different than you ever had imagined. It matters you could have never got the real presentation or flavor. Undoubtedly, there is a great enrichment of creative energy through travel, no doubt, in what you have not experienced but heard. Discovering innovation is very important for real life, I mean for a rich and creative living. Pragmatic knowledge and its main means of application may be direct perception. Because right judgment cannot be expected without direct perception. So it can surely be said that true perception is complementary. At this point, innovation is an absolute power.

Importance of visit

From my experience traveling can be the best pastime. If aspiration is such, you want to get acquainted with this diverse world. At the same time, if you want some time in its vicinity and get a taste of the biodiversity, there is no alternative to travel. In this context, the purpose of the visit can be different. But whatever the purpose, the significance of visiting manifests itself in various ways. That is, travel can always be the cause of some kind of success. We know that a healthy mind guarantees a healthy body, and travels short or long, with an effect on the mind, such as relieving mental stress from concentrated monotonous thoughts. Not only that, it also plays a supportive role by creating new work dynamism. So we can decide that every person's pleasure lies in a trip.

Simple but gorgeous planning of a travel

You should remember that realizing and absorbing ability and strategy varies from person to person. At the same time, realization and understanding differ from person to person. Minding it must be fruitful if you visit palaces to get the actual environment and can exhaust the flavors in your own nerves. It is not saying that travel is only necessary for improving mind and health but it is a practical way to gain knowledge. If you have a wish to prepare to travel to different cities, countries, and continents as you discover how travel can be important. 

My experiences

Now, I express to you from experience, that there is a big difference between reading and knowing from others as opposed to seeing, hearing, and above all understanding. From my recent tour, I can ensure one must get something better flavor when one reaches a place or locality. Recently I have visited some places in India. It’s really amazing! I didn’t get a similarity to my previous aspects or imagination. Every place or person I have met was different from my imagination and I read or listened to others' opinions. There might be a reason, and that is the ability to reach and receive is not the same at different points. On the other hand, desires and choices differ from person to person. For these reasons, everyone's experiences may not be the same. Anyway, let's talk about my trip to India. 

My trip was simple but very desirable. Ever since I crossed the border of Bangladesh, I have been curious enough and very much looking forward. Every house and person was the object of my observation. Now let's talk about some decisions about my travel strategy. I always wanted to be very simple and normal. Although I had enough money, I chose to travel, stay, and eat as cheaply as possible, as money is valuable and scarce outside the country. That doesn't mean I save money by stifling my desires there. This was only done as a precaution. The strategy was to succeed, even though I visited, stayed, and traveled much more than I hoped. In fact, what worked the most was simplicity and honesty. Just as the wealth of experience has grown, so too has the interest in foreign travel intensified. I hope to describe each one in future posts.

However, a journey definitely enriches the mental and intellectual fields. At the same time, I want to say that everyone should travel far or near after days, months or years sometimes, I suggest you, if you are interested in tasting something more, just be ready and make a plan with preparation to reach your visit goal. Always choose a better and safer journey. 

Misbah Farazi

Wednesday, April 20, 2022


 Think about what simplicity is. Simplicity is a norm of behavior that could help you to be honest, as well as modest. If you practice a simple lifestyle and a wise personality, you first need to get some specific qualities. But, remember the qualities must have a common beauty acceptable to the common, especially the personalities who cover humanity.

To be easygoing to the general people is one of the most important qualities. But this specific quality should have a meaningful purpose. No problem, you can create it under the situation you conceive. When you explain your opinion, be careful as it doesn’t go into the topics you join. Otherwise, it may be awkward. Understanding and realizing must be selected on your method. Now, go through the conversation and enjoy the moments.

If our consultations are simple, then we have to be conscious about the general language we use. I mean it should be calm and quiet but justified. We have to wait for our turn when we talk to each other. You should be wise to make a space for delivering a speech to your opposition. Do not kick out any logic that your partner believes, rather you explain the logic where you contradict it. As a result, your ideas and logic would be more acceptable. So friends, I hope easygoing comes through making a fruitful image in a general way of talking.

 To be honest; speaking through activists should be controlling our minds and thoughts. In this question, thoughts spread a positive or negative glow on our appearance. For this reason, first, have to learn how to manage our thoughts positively. I mean the thoughts that influence every step we take. So, if we can beatify our thoughts, our activists must have beauty. And this beauty must touch others. In a word, clean and positive but practical thoughts can take you to success. 

However, simplicity is a term of proper practice. The practice that deserves to make you honest, peaceful, and wise. Because through practice you must have a judgement that runs you every careful step. Simplicity doesn’t always mean necessarily easy, rather it means a practice that consists of an ideal and modest way of living. Our journey in life should have a meaningful goal so we should budget our destination, time, and success.

Misbah Farazi

Monday, September 10, 2018

Depression needs to detect the symptoms

Depression can occur in everyone's life for some time, but if this condition lasts for a long time, it is scary. If one's depression persists for weeks or months then a doctor should be consulted. Remember, that if it is too late, it can become complicated and take time to recover. Let us talk about the various aspects of depression. The term depression is very familiar to us nowadays. Although the term is familiar its scope is wide, Actually 'depression' is a mental illness or mental disorder. This psychosis can occur due to various reasons. Even if the term is known in its true sense, in most cases it is too late to understand and diagnose 'depression'. And therefore, the patients suffering from these mental disorders have to face complications. And they are late getting proper treatment, which is really sad. 
It is difficult to make a margin on how many victims of depression. Difficult, because the maximum percentage does not know the symptoms of depression, or mental illness. As a result, the victims can't detect how their pains or distress build up. Actually, depression works in the human mind so silently that it is difficult to find out mostly in time. Most physicians called "Depression," a psychosis", a mood disorder.

Symptoms of depression

A wide variety of symptoms can be seen in patients suffering from depression. Some of the most common symptoms are lack of interest in work, lack of future aspirations, apathy, and insomnia. Suspicion tendencies and uncertainty about everything can be prominent in these sufferers. In this situation, the patient doesn't feel any taste of activities. A lot of anxiety, anger, irritation, restlessness, and sadness can arise in their behavior. Some psychosis can have dangerous symptoms like suicidal tendencies or hurting others. 
As mentioned earlier, depression is a mental illness or mental disorder that depresses the mind a lot.
Since psychosis is primarily mental, it affects all relationships around him/her. Due to a mood disorder state of mind, he or she finds it difficult to maintain normal relations with everyone. In fact, others are often unable to understand the situation, problem, or suffering of a psychosis.

A common issue  The biggest problem to be faced is the diagnosis, as most of the general public is unaware of the mental illness. Especially the uneducated and slum dwellers largely do not take it as a psychological problem. Usually, they take it as hypocrisy madness, or stupidity. Another big problem is superstition, that comes from ignorance and innocence. And those people consider it to be possessed by ghosts or Jinn. And that's why they go in the wrong direction. as they usually accept the blowing of the bush or the amulet or the pouring of water. That's why the proper treatment becomes delayed or hampered. It is a common event in rural areas where people find it difficult to detect this mental disorder. They take it differently out of their ignorance which can lead a patient to unbearable suffering. But the victim only knows how it pains terribly.

n most cases, they can't detect it as a mood disorder as there is no visible physical wound or injury. Notably, lack of sufficient knowledge of this state in general. Generally, people are in a practice to have an illness depending on the external bodily causes. They can't think that they can have a mood disorder that can spread over the body. But we can expect an overall treatment for recovery of these mental disorder patients. 

A mood disorder patient     

We should consider a victim of mental disorder patient in a fatal mental anxiety victim. Actually, persons who have experienced the suffering of one of these types of mental disorders could have a sense of how terrifying pain. In an extreme stage commonly a patient almost loses the taste of life. There are examples of suicidal cases too. For some types of mental disorders, patients show the tendency to hurt or kill others. Could you ever imagine? How painfully victim the sufferers are! As they may go to suicide, they actually find to be free from this painful condition. Actually, the fact is frustrated or mentally disordered patients do not have control over them. Now let's talk about some common types of mental disorder patients. 

1. Such desperation always leads to some kind of anguish and sadness. Suffers from noticeable insomnia and lacks interest in any activity, basically such psychosis is observed more. Which is called clinical depression in health science.

2. Somewhat similar but largely similar symptoms are seen in the psychiatric disorder whose medical name is Persistent Depression. Anxiety, including depression and restlessness, is seen in these patients.

3. Another depression is more chronic. These patients become very quick angry. A lot of irritation is expressed in these patients. Its name in medical science is Disruptive Mood Disengagement Disorder.   

4. certain depressions become more pronounced in winter and subside in spring. Usually, these patients become very angry and upset to the common people. Its medical name is 'Seasonal Depression.'

5. This depression can arise from various major illnesses, such as heart disease, typhoid or prolonged illness. Symptoms of these psychoses include anxiety, depression, and extreme irritability. Its scientific medical science name is Depressive Disorder.    

All of which can cause this illness

This terminal illness is more common in adults and adolescents. It also causes familial and financial loss for people suffering. A  sudden shock can also be a cause of depression. In some cases, it is also marked by doctors as a genetic illness.  

How to drive or reduce depression  

Some effective measures can be taken to avoid or reduce depression. For example, not taking into account the suffering. Make regular exercise or walking habits. Communicate more openly with relatives and friends. Sound sleep is another essential factor. Contact with complicated and annoying people can be avoided. Creating a balanced diet is also a way to be free from depression. Regular meditation is an important step in this regard. Avoiding excess drugs and alcohol is also an important part.

What should do?
To get medical treatment within two weeks or one month is essential. if you are diagnosed with depression. It must be remembered that not to be too late to take the doctor's advice and not take any medicine or do anything as a remedy without the doctor's prescription.

However, in this short discussion, I have tried to explain what depression psychosis really is and why. It is hoped that you will be aware of this through listening to a wider knowledge.

Misbah Farazi   

Sunday, September 9, 2018

A relief from suspicion

Relief is an adorable word that spreads a flavor of tranquility around us. We used to say, "I have got a relief of what could be a pathetic incident or may create a burden or a penalty.

 After relief from such a consequence we feel comfortable, isn't it? When such a bad condition turns into a much better we get relief. But we must remember an odd experience with a painful memory. There is something more that could be. When we think about what is happening to our relatives or friends, we feel pain thinking about an apprehension. We often face a dilemma if we could be able to do something solution to them or not. We become suspicious and horribly anxious thinking about how we could help them and how we could be continued a respective relationship. Sometimes we wait silently for a positive result.

cause of creating a suspicion

Suspicion is usually created from misunderstanding or some unusual behavior. We know how the situation turns us into an unhappy and worrying condition. To avoid unexpected environments, we should learn to practice to avoid the routes of creating suspicions. We should also remember, that "suspicion" and "prediction" are not similar. Prediction" is important, because it has a positive direction, but Suspicion' doesn’t consist of it, rather it misguides you in the maximum cases. 

It is important to think positively, as the result of our doubt could not be happened. Why should you do it? Because large percentages of apprehensions come to an end as false. The possible bad thinking results are low. 
Do you know why it is? It is because, in most cases, you create it only in your mind, but have no existence. And it makes a shadow of fear constantly in your inner mind. If you, in the beginning, could overcome blowing the dark shadows, you must continue your normal daily life as usual. 
Now, the question comes to you how could it avoid the forms of harmful thinking. Nice, first you have to know how to avoid envy and hatred. Moreover, you have to leave fruitless competitions. Envy and hatred both of them have vital negative results, actually, they are diseases like 'Cancer'. These ill influences have no characteristics or values and are diseases of the human mind. At a maximum, it creates anxiety and restlessness. Not only that but also many reasons would be culprits for those germs.

Possible Solution 

However, we have to practice caring for ourselves in work and duties. 
Think about your lifetime, what is good or not, what you should do, what you should not do. Why spend time thinking about what is not at hand right now. The possible things would come, and It's clear true things come to you with a solution. When you do nothing get a value, remember just a foolish job for you. Reap crop for tomorrow, it will return to you. But never envy others or be harsh to them because it dies you. Try to find out what is wasteful, and give up them. I promise, repeat I promise you must meet a successful life, you must reach the success door.

Misbah Farazi

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

A slap on conscience

What, of course, is not awkward if a slap changes your wrong direction. Are you bored with my talking about from where yet you do not get logical support? Listen, I am talking about our conscience to society, family, spouses, and friends. Sometimes a slap or a stumble can be essential to come back in the right direction. Perhaps you are thinking about if I am right in my logic. Maybe, you are so, but please focus on where the problems create among us like deprivation, frustration, indifference, negligence, and a gap that isolates us from essential faculties. In this condition, we deepen in darkness. The problem is we never feel the vacant that gradually kills us like a slow poison. A solution can be expected. It is more frustrating that we can not feel or think there may be a light. It is because in the meantime our sensitive organs have been killed. The power of thinking has gone as there is an acute imbalance exists. The point that often separates us from our society, friends, spouses, and nearest and dearest ones.

Have we ever eavesdropped the sound of silent tears happening to the frustrated society around us? Did we do this? No, because we are self-centered indeed! Actually do not detect them justifiably, as we do not know how to expose them. They feel shy or hesitant. Isn’t it usual? But, undoubtedly we have some responsibilities to them. We never avoid the responsibilities and duties of the helpless backward society.  

A large number of people are isolated in the towns and cities. Who cares about them? But this mentality cannot support human virtue. Actual humans should have some essential qualities that refer to standing beside the helpless with a helping hand. A slap on the conscience could have been a strategy to be aware of the indifferent groups.

Duties and Qualities 

We can not ignore our duties to society. 
Society has given us the light to be a person who exhausted all elements of society. We have to return the debt to society through the ability we have.
To do our job or duty first we need to judge priority, which means detecting the problems and undeveloped sectors. And then we should make a social organization that acknowledges specific activists. For this purpose, we should remember the qualities, mean the person who is self-encouraged and devoted to doing charities. 

Make a work schedule.   
Defiantly, we have to maintain some rules and strategies. In this sense, we must have maintained a work or duty schedule. 
We can make a committee with 5-10 members having separate sections to continue their duties, but all sections must have a responsibility to the committee chairperson, and the members commonly make the final decision that decision may have to pass with the Chairman's fully consent. 

Important for every society

If we want a progressive and peaceful locality, we must work for it. Everything changes over time, but negative changes that, snatch human rights, can not be expected. Gradual process establishes a rich society, but without it may go in ruin. So, we should be conscious not to go into such spoiling conditions. 

However, we expect a society where everybody can get his/her rights. The right to live, the right to speak, and the right to freedom must be ensured in an ideal progressive society. In this sense, we should respect everybody's choice and dignity. 

Misbah Farazi   



Monday, September 3, 2018

Copying damages the creativity

Does everybody own uniqueness? Don't hesitate to answer this question, undoubtedly true that everybody owns uniqueness. Then why should you not expose your unique one? Yes, it's possible and everybody should avoid copying to raise creativity. If one really conceives the truth, one does what one loves to do. To answer some of the relative questions one may ask this prospect. I suggest your quick handling as you should follow the footprints of your fellows for inspiration that may guide you to create something new.  

I assure you that you must have the different directions of creativity. But never copy something as it is. Coping means stealing other properties. Remember, it is an offense and prevents creativity, and your latent that you own. You must have talent that is different from any other person. Everyone's talent is an exceptional property compared to others. For example, you are not a duplicate, you are only one piece in the universe. That is why everybody is unique. And so what you create is unique too.

Copying makes your brain idle and weak

It is undoubtedly true that without innovation and creativity, civilization will cease to exist. As people move forward, new problems and their solutions become necessary, so people constantly move forward to meet their needs. It is precisely for this reason that the labor that everybody contributes has its own value. For example, for the same reason, a value is determined when someone uses one's innovative power to invent something new. To properly recognize this value, it is preserved as its intellectual property.  And to that end, copying someone else's intellectual property is a crime. On the other side, if one merely imitates the work of others without applying intellectual knowledge, then gradually one's creative thinking powers become dull. Not only this, one loses one's personality and possesses a weak and idle brain. This disrupts production and simultaneously the nation loses its skilled talent.

Intellectual property leads to encouraged

Intellectual property means your own invention that has a market value. As people do not like to repeat something else, it is important to produce newer and upgraded things as necessary. So people are to encourage an invention according to its essentiality. Intelligence and thoughtfulness are behind new creations. It happens intelligence and mindfulness that the things that help people live are discovered. Development can be stunted if the true application of intelligence and mindfulness is disrupted or hindered. And these are intellectual properties to be properly evaluated. Which inspires and motivates every creative worker.

Don't copy paste 

Never copy and paste anything. Some copy-pest marketing is a punishable offense. When writing and quoting someone else's writing or content, at least get permission from the author or writer or use it at a normal cost. If you do not do so and use it for commercial purposes, it is a punishable offense and you may be punished for it.
In this prospect, we see most people make a mistake violating the copyright rules. They usually think that as it is a short-cut process they may have chances to reach their goal. But it does not bring a fruit at all, sometimes it is a big loss for them. Because there are some processes and a lot of software to identify its uniqueness. Now you must understand the fault and unfitness of copying. You should bear in mind that copying is an unethical choice. So judgment all areas, it is better to be creative and make your own property. If you value your time properly you can. In this respect, I advise you to follow perfect and ethical ways. The ways could be a usable and valuable asset for you, and at the same time, you will be capable enough to make a returned value that establishes you as a real one.

Choose the right way to succeed

It is always better to do what you can because what you know is valuable too. There is knowledge that has demand. So choose the right path and keep striving, you will meet with success. All successful people are dedicated and honest towards their work. Simply think in a way of simplicity that drives you to the right path.

However, everything I discuss is only for your successful profession. Duplication is not praising or properly purifying your earnings. So go ahead with dignity by performing jobs with creativity. 

Misbah Farazi